民营公司 少于50人 制药/生物工程 学术/科研
民营公司 少于50人 制药/生物工程 学术/科研
Do you want to be the founding member of a fledgling company ?will you embrace the challenging and multi-tasks ?Do you want to work with the top experts worldwide and a dynamic R&D team specializing in generic drugs ?Senbo is definitively a ideal team for you to realize your dream !Senbo pharmaceutical R&D Co.,Ltd, is a professional team in generics. Led by a group of overseas experts , senbo is a trusted leader with a reputation for exceptional quality. Our strategic and customer-focused approach to developing and producing high-quality affordable generic drugs following the loss of patent protection, has successfully made us the most competitive R&D company in China.Our generic products include a wide variety of therapeutic options, ranging from cardiovascular, central nervous system, anti-diabetic, analgesic, and dermatologic to respiratory and women's health, with dosage forms including tablets, capsules, ointments, solutions, and suspensions.We have the strategic relationship with the world largest generic company - Teva, which manufactures and markets the most expansive portfolio of FDA-approved generic products in the United States. Our vision is to manufacture the generic drugs with global standards in China and launch it in the global market. 南京森博医药研发有限公司我们的团队 南京森博医药研发有限公司创立于2007年,是以化学小分子药物制剂研发为核心竞争力的专业研发机构,位于中国南京高新区生物医药产业园中。公司的创始人程佩玲博士早年留美并获得博士学位, 先后供职于全球顶尖的跨国制药企业Pfizer,Novartis, MSD从事药物研发和生产管理工作十几年,并有在默克总部进行全球技术商务咨询的工作经历,积累了丰富的药物研发,生产管理,注册申报等经验。 公司的管理团队汇集多名美国仿制药界的专家,包括Teva前任研发总监和首席科学家。 我们的研发团队中研究生和本科生的比例达到95%,并随着公司的规模不断强大。我们的实验室 我们的实验室有各种进口设备,包括性能优良的流化床和高剪切制粒机、干法制粒机、全自动压片机、自动胶囊灌装机、自动包衣机、胶囊/片剂称重机、金属探测器、流化床,多台HPLC,GC, 溶出仪和多种精密仪器。完善的培训体系 由于我们的专家具有丰富的美国ANDA项目经验,因此从项目调研,专利解析,研发策略到各个研发细节工作专家团队都会全程参与并对研发人员进辅导。并提供国外培训机会。 我们为员工提供了开放的平台。根据个人的兴趣和职业规划,你可以参与研发,注册,申报,人员管理等各个环节。 人文关怀与员工增值效益 表现优异的员工,子女有至美国求学意向的,公司可提供相关协助,以便子女能够顺利就学,更甚者公司可以提供就学费用。 我们是学习型组织,为员工提供开放的平台和学术的环境;我们是团结的大家庭,关怀员工成长,为团队打造公平的竞争氛围。如果您喜欢挑战,喜欢创业型团队,请加入我们!